The Fairy Dance. Dancing Nymphs #2. 38 Paintings Slideshow

1. Thomas Wilmer Dewing - Summer (1890) 2. Gaetano Previati - The Dance Pastoral (1908) 3. Gaetano Previati - The dance of the hours (1899) 4. Richard Dadd - Come unto these Yellow Sands (1842) 5. Henry Stanier - Come unto these yellow sands (1892) 6. Ettore Tito - Naiads (first half of 20th century) 7. Ettore Tito - The Undines (first half of 20th century) 8. Ettore Tito - Nymphs (1911) 9. Maximilian Lenz - A Song of Spring (1913) 10. Maximilian Lenz - The dance of the Fawn (c. 1910) 11. Francois Lafon - Nymphenreigen (1909) 12. Francois Lafon - Nymphs dancing (before 1920) 13. Francois Lafon - The dance of the nymphs (before 1920) 14. Francois Lafon - La Ronde des menades (before 1920) 15. Francois Lafon - La Ronde des menades (before 1920) 16. Francois Lafon - Dancing muses (before 1920) 17. Arthur Bowen Davies - Driobe and her Handmaidens (1902-06) 18. Edwin Howland Blashfield - Triumph of the Dance (c. 1894) 19. F
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