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You can probably imagine the nerves I had preparing this set. Warming up for a DJ with the legacy of Solomun is quit something. I wanted to create a slow buildup that builds up energy and tension very slowly. I produced 5 tracks especially for this gig. Most of my released works are very high in energy and bpm and for this set I needed different kind tracks. For weeks I was thinking how to create a special moment towards the end without a very high energy or high bpm track. That’s why I came up with remixing the Belgian classic by CJ Bolland na Camargue. The moment the main riff comes in I had goosebumps all over my body. Although this whole set is not the most typical Rose Ringed set, it’s one that is in my heart and memories forever and I am forever greatfull to Solomun and the Hangar team for making this possible.
Rose Ringed - Once They loved (Unreleased)
Transform - Transformation Transformation (Tobi Neumann & Matthew Styles’ Analog Memory Remix)
Rose Ringed - Tool 1 (Unreleased)
Delano Smith - I fly
Sebjak & Fahlberg - Chaka
Jay Shepheard - Bullfroging
DAVI - Illusion
Guy J - Algorithm
Rose Ringed - Cinquantenaire (Unreleased)
Rose Ringed - Something coming (Unreleased0
Nicolas Masseyeff - Mugen
Angelov - Cabora
Rose Ringed - Here we go (Unreleased)
Rose Ringed - Forbidden fruit (Unreleased)
Badwolf, Soff - Dame mas
Whitesquare - Pressured mind
Wbeeza- A116
Rose Ringed - Give it to me (Unreleased)
Sally - C Lets get this
Maken - ID
Obskur - Pure evil
John Tejada - Sweat on the Walls
Karo Zwo - Zwo Fremde
CJ - Bolland - Camargue (Rose Ringed Deephouse Mix)
Spencer Parker - YogotaShow more