Moranbong Band & State Merited Chorus - The 68th anniversary of The Workers’ Party of Korea

모란봉악단과 공훈국가합창단 - 조선로동당창건 68돐경 축 Recorded: Mokran Video, DPRK The Moranbong Band has here been active a little over a year and are now extremely popular among DPRK citizens. Since their debut in 2012 as a sign of the new era they had made many performances with great success, and this concert is no exception. But there were some blackening clouds towering up within the leadership of the country that came to its climax later in December with the execution of Jang Song-thaek. Perhaps some of the songs were selected with this in mind? Instead of just repeating the information for songs that have previously been published individually, I have simply added a link to those videos below. 0:00 Intro 0:22 I sing in praise of the Party (당을 노래하노라)
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