UFOs and helicopters. Anaheim Hills, California.

Witness description: “Heard some Helicopters approaching, so I exited my car to take a video o the choppers when I was done recording and reviewed the video I noticed the anomaly and was shocked at what I saw. I’m a courier driver and was working in Orange County in the city of Anaheim Hills. At 12:57 pm I was sitting in my car on standby awaiting more orders from dispatch when I heard loud helicopters sounds approaching me. Lately in Los Angeles the military has been conducting exercises all over the place and I figured it was them making a flyby. I really like viewing them fly over and wanted to take video of them, and so I exited my car and aimed at them going over me and once they flew away I stopped recording. I went back inside my car and reviewed my recording and noticed a V formation in the footage that I hadnot see while I was recording nothing had caught my eye but the helicopters.“ Source: mufon Filmed in Anaheim Hills, California 2/8/2019 12:57 pm. Many thanks to
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