Uncle Pecos

Whoahh!!!!!! Wut dut dittle-duttle deetle-doo-dee’ittle-it’l ee-pppt eh-pppt oh-pppt ee-pppt (hhh)aaaaaah!! [spoken: eh-hyeh hya that’s kinda purdy ’for it get’s started (h)ain’t it?] Ohhhhh, Froggy went a c-c-c- c- courtin’ he did ride C-Cuh-C-Crambo! Froggy went a c-courtin’ he did ride, ic c’ehm t t t’ehm C-C-Crambo! Froggy went a c-courtin’ he did ride, a sword an a’ pp an a (hic!) an a, a revolver by his side-i-C-C Crambo! Crambo kill fla-la-ra ruh-lo-lo-ro uh-slfhu... fff... fflop-a-doodle-yella-bug toodlah-d’ee ! eh, toodlah-dee... * * * * * * [spoken: That’s a hard part right in there, n-n-nephew! Hah-ha! Eh...] Crambo kill l’la-ra-ro flop-a-doodle-yella-bug toodlah-d’dee com-uh-rop top bottom-it C’C-C-C(r)ambo! Ah-lee-oh-leh... Hee! Huhrm-[throat clearing]-mmm! [spoken: An th’yodle goes right in there somwhar but it s’little too high for me.. {throat clearing} Mmm!“] Ohhh!! Where will th’wuh weddin’ supper be, C C-ehC C d C CCrambo? Where will th’wuh w-weddin’ supper be, C C * ! nyuh C C Crambo? Where will th’wuh w-weddin’ supper be, way down yonder in th’ hic-uh-nuh-neh in th’ hic-uh-nuh-deh-neh n’wuhwuh ?! n’ ay yeh cot’n wuh-woo * g’neh in the eucalyptus tree, Crambo! Crambo kill l’la-la-ra rotl-ro-rol-ro fflllop-a-doole-yella-bug (too-nuh)... [spoken: ’at’s ’at hard part again raht in nar hah-huh] Craba-fffflop-a-doole-yella-bug toodl-ah-duh d n
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