US right-wing politicians behind Wuhan lab leak theory fabrication - Independent Reporter

Alex Rubinstein, the reporter, recently published an article refuting the so-called Wuhan lab leak theory and raising doubts about Fort Detrick, a top US bio-weapon research base in Maryland State. In an interview with the China Media Group on Saturday, he said if there were a country that hold responsible for leaking the virus, it would be the United States. __________________ Powered by Shanghai Media Group, ShanghaiEye focuses on producing top-quality content for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. Nobody knows Shanghai better than us. Please subscribe to us ☻☻☻ __________________ For more stories, please click ■ What’s up today in Shanghai, the most updated news of the city ■ Amazing Shanghai, exploring the unknown corners of the city, learning the people, food and stories behind them
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