Build a Next JS 13.3 App with Auto ChatGPT Content | Next 13.3, Prisma, TipTap, Typescript, Deploy
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Build a Complete Fullstack Next JS 13.3 App that will Automatically generate Blog Post Content with ChatGPT. We will use the latest Next JS 13.3 with the app directory, and then Prisma as our ORM, TipTap for our text editing, Typescript for our language, and we will be deploying all of this for free on Vercel.
nextjs installation:
nextjs app roadmap:
nextjs new metadata:
nextjs revalidation:
nextjs revalidation not working:
nextjs config segments: #revalidate
nextjs font optimization:
nextjs limitations:
nextjs route nav:
planetscale cli: #installation
planetscale certs:
prisma/planetscale cert github:
prisma schema docs:
prisma seeding:
tiptap installation:
completed code:
tailwind config:
0:00 Build a Full NextJS 13.3 Application Full Stack
4:13 Basic Installations
5:35 Next JS Installations
12:05 Tailwind Installation
23:01 Next JS File Folder Architecture
32:36 Navbar
57:05 Footer
1:04:45 CSS grid and flex Home Page Layout
2:07:30 Prisma Installation and Setup
2:26:55 Server Components
2:48:25 Next JS Images
3:14:15 Dynamic Routes Individual Post Page
3:45:30 Rich Text Editor Tip Tap
4:37:14 ChatGPT Openai Content Generator
5:05:30 Deployment on Vercel
This video was sponsored by Brilliant.
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Who is EdRoh? I’m a lead engineer for a publicly traded company and have been developing for a decade now.
I’m here to provide you in-depth tutorials by simplifying difficult concepts and more importantly, getting your hands dirty by building production level projects with ease to impress your future/current employer or clients.