Jeon Hye Yeong - His Unforgettable Embrace (그 품을 못잊어)

I think few would argue with the statement that this is by far Jeon’s best performance. No other DPRK singer could pull off notes as high and as long as this. And on no day is it more relevant than the 17th December, the day of mourning where, officially speaking, the people cry out for their leader, just as Hye Yeong does here. Literally. Many will be familiar with her rendition of this in the ’Great Party, Rose Korea’ reunion concert. Where, even after so many years, her vocals hadn’t diminished one bit. Overlooking the difference in age, the two sound nearly identical. One could even consider the newer one superior as she is (in the words of my grandmother) far more demonstrative in her emotion. Probably from not having performed for so long, this time, apart from the embrace she cannot live without. The original, however, has an extra verse that was cut from the modern rendition, which references the party centre. Without this very vague detail, the song makes no reference
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