Bush on Halliburton, Israel, Iraq and the dollar

(13 Dec 2003) 1. US President George W. Bush walks in 2. Reporters 3. SOUNDBITE (English): George W. Bush, US President: “I appreciate the Pentagon looking out after the taxpayers money. They felt like there was an overcharge issue, they put the issue right out there on the table, for everybody to see and they’re doing good work. We are going to make sure that as we spend the money in Iraq, that it is spent well, spent wisely. Their investigation will lay the facts out for everybody to see. And if there is an overcharge, like we think there is, we expect that money to be repaid.“ 4. Mid shot Bush 5. SOUNDBITE (English): George W. Bush, US President: “Israel must be mindful that the decisions they make today, must be mindful that they don’t make decisions that make it hard to create a Palestinian state. It’s in Israel’s interest that there be a Palestinian state, it’s in the poor, suffering Palestinian people’s interest that there be a Palesti
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