After the events of Who Killed Markiplier, The Detective has never forgiven The Colonel for what happened in that mansion. After countless close calls, Abe’s finally cornered the madman as his latest persona... Wilford ’Motherloving’ Warfstache
A HUGE thank you to everyone who made this possible! These are the kind of videos that I want to make and I couldn’t do it without the incredibly talent production team behind it and the help of the amazing Sponsors of the channel!
Producer - Levi Smock
Line Producer - Tyson Lindo
1st AD - Emily Shesh
Set PA - Gregory Bordelon
Asst. to Mark - Evan Bilda
DP - Daniel Marks
1st AC - Jay Dallen
Key Grip - Chris Boulos
Gaffer - Jon Boal
Sound Mixer - Matt Burgette
Costume Designer - Megan Lian
Hair Makeup - Cheyanne Armstrong
Production Designer - Susann