Гибка бесшовной трубы 42х2 на полуавтоматическом трубогибе с дорном.#Производство #Гибкатруб #Бизнес
Гибка бесшовной трубы 42х2 на полуавтоматическом трубогибе с дорном. Деталь ручка для лифтов, радиус гиба D2.5.
Calculation of the cost of pipe bending.
Calculation of the cost of 1 bend: D (pipe outer diameter, mm)×3 (tooling manufacturing/number of parts)
Example: the price of one 32×2 pipe bend for a batch of 1000 pieces of parts.
Gib price = 32×3 (60 000*/1000)**=156 rub for 1 gib.
* - the average cost of tooling.
** - accessories for a certain range of pipes are available.
Bending of round and profile pipes requires taking into account many technological parameters. Our company is equipped with a complex of high-precision technological equipment that allows to achieve bending accuracy up to 0.1 mm. A high degree of repeatability of manufactured parts is achieved by designing special equipment for bending pipes and highly qualified personnel. The main problem when bending a pipe is the formation of corrugations (folds) on the inner surface of the pipe. We solved
6 months ago 00:01:02 1
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