Setting a micropipettor involves adjusting it to dispense or aspirate a specific volume of liquid accurately. Micropipettors are commonly used in laboratories for precise liquid handling. Here are the general steps for setting a micropipettor:
Select the Appropriate Pipette:
Choose the micropipettor that is calibrated for the volume you need to pipette. Micropipettors come in various volume ranges, such as µL, 2-20 µL, 20-200 µL, and so on.
Adjust the Volume Setting:
Most micropipettors have a volume adjustment mechanism, which typically consists of a volume setting dial or plunger. Turn the volume setting dial or adjust the plunger to the desired volume. Make sure to set it precisely to the required volume; some micropipettors have two adjustment points, one for coarse and one for fine adjustments.
Calibrate the Micropipettor:
Before use, it’s a good practice to calibrate the micropipettor to ensure its accuracy. This involves checking that the micropipettor dispenses the intended volume accurately. Use a calibrated balance or a designated calibration device to do this. Follow your laboratory’s standard operating procedures for calibration.
Pre-Wet the Tip:
Attach a disposable pipette tip to the micropipettor. Before aspirating your sample, pre-wet the tip by dispensing and discarding the liquid a few times. This ensures that the tip is filled with the liquid you’re pipetting and reduces the risk of sample loss.
Aspirate the Sample:
Place the tip of the micropipettor into your liquid sample. Depress the plunger to the first stop (usually a soft stop). This will allow the micropipettor to aspirate the liquid into the tip.
Dispense the Sample:
Move the micropipettor to the destination container and gently depress the plunger to the second stop (usually a hard stop) to dispense the liquid. Make sure the tip is fully submerged in the receiving container to prevent sample loss.
Eject the Tip:
After dispensing the sample, eject the disposable tip into a designated container for used tips. Most micropipettors have an ejection mechanism to remove the tip without touching it.
Check and Record:
Always double-check the volume setting on the micropipettor to ensure it matches the intended volume. Record the volume dispensed for accurate documentation.
Store Properly:
After use, return the micropipettor to its storage position, ensuring it is kept in good working condition.
Routine Maintenance:
Regularly clean and maintain your micropipettor according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure accuracy and longevity.
Remember that the specific procedures may vary depending on the brand and model of the micropipettor, so it’s essential to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions and your laboratory’s protocols for precise guidance on setting and using your micropipettor.
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