21st anniversary of Schoolboys’ Own Exhibition (1948)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Dr. Joad (professor) cutting a cake to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the Schoolboys’ Own? Full Description: ENGLAND: INT EXHIBITIONS Schoolboys Exhibition celebrates 21st Birthday. Pr. Joad cuts the cake. Exhibition included miniature railway. Railton-special and boy’s own cinema JOAD Professor Cutting the cake at 21st Birthday of Schoolboys Exhibition MINIAture Railway Schoolboys Exhibition. Seen with Nationalisation completed - such as British railways on the carriages eyc RAILTON-SPECIAL As exhibit in the Schoolboys Exhibition. Seen with Schoolboys clustering around SCHOOLS. 21st Schoolboy’s Exhibition - with Dr Joad cutting the cake. Shots of miniature railway. Railton-special and boys own cinema on view Celebrations - Anniversaries (Impersonal), Children celebration, exhibits, kids, children, youth, Cyril Edwin M
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