Random Jam #47 [glitchy hip-hop w/ ERAE Touch, Digitakt & Pralines]

Alright that’s it for 2021, thank you for all the love, you’re amazing! If you want you can support my live-looping shenanigans on Patreon too : Vocals are from Jaded (). ❤️ Alright now for the patch note! This setup is a logical progression from the Random Jam #46, it’s centered around the ERAE which I mainly use to control Ableton and the Digitakt. Ableton is providing the vocal samples as well as the Rhodes (Arturia Stage-73) and electric piano (Arturia DX7) sounds. The Digitakt is providing all the drums and serves as a sequencer for the electric piano part (0:14). I didn’t like some of the limitations that comes with looping in Ableton so I brought the Aeros Loop Studio back! It’s synced to the Ableton clock and loops both the bass and the guitar. The latter is also going through the Glou-Glou Pralines which provides the phaser sound. The Microcosm on the other hand processes the vocal chops (I believe I used the Strum C algorith
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