Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance R07 - 100% Collectibles (Left Arm, VR, Data Storage, Citizen, Gekko)

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance R07 - 100% Collectibles (Left Arm, VR, Data Storage, Citizen, Gekko) R07 1 Humanoid Gekko 4 Left Arms 1 Man in Box 2 VR Terminals 2 Data Storage VR19 - Turn around and Ninja Run up the cliff to a higher ledge to get the VR. HG5 - BEFORE engaging enemies follow the top area across the street and the Gekko is back in the rocks. LA27 (49/Andrew) - Commander at the enterance gate. LA28 (50/Frank) - Commander in main area after entering gate. LA29 (51/John) - Heavy commander insi
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