Alberta is making rules to keep RCMP out forever

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is gradually endeavoring to overhaul the fundamentals of Canadian governmental system. Invasion of privacy should not be tolerated in a democracy like Canada, but Trudeau is so intoxicated with the power that he has forgotten the very moral code that underpins contemporary civil societies. Trudeau can’t stomach the core idea of marble cake federalism. He has repeatedly attempted to consolidate power in Canada while blatantly ignoring the constitutional guarantees outlined in the Constitution. The RCMP and other federal law enforcement organisations have been used by the Canadian government to enforce liberal values and target conservative strongholds across Canada. The provinces, though, have opposed Trudeau valiantly. For instance, when it comes to Trudeau’s tyranny, Albertans have consistently stood against it. They have always fought against his despotic autocracy. And now Alberta is creating a force that is strong enough to neutralise all malicious activities o
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