Shabat Show Short 2022 Oct 14
All Music Provided by YouTube Music Library:
Music: Light Sting by Kevin MacLeod
Music: Danse Macabre Busy Strings by Kevin MacLeod
Creative Commons
Note: Source materials provided by Craig Winn and distributed at:
Also available in podcast from the Yada Yah channel on YouTube at:
Creative Commons 4.0, fair use applies where the information in video is used with permission by Craig Winn (the author of Yada Yahowah at ). The author of Yada Yah and the YouTube creator of Yada Yah requests that the translations, transliterations (especially Yahowah’s name), expl
...anations, insights, conclusions, and commentary, is expressly withheld from those promoting religion, politics, patriotism, secular humanism, militarism, or conspiracy. They may not be used to inspire or condone violence, racism, and especially anti-Semitism. Craig WinShow more