How to Have Better Rhythm: Subdividing in Music 101 + How to Count Triplets Perfectly

Doing this once a day will give you better internal rhythm FAST. Today on Taylor’ed Tuesday we’re talking about how to have better rhythm so that you can stop guessing when it comes to feeling difficult rhythms. Subdividing and counting triplets can be an elusive thing for a lot of musicians. In this video ill show you subdividing 101 and help you to count triplets perfectly. What are Rhythmic Subdivisions? Well, A definition from the website Artopium puts it very succinctly: subdivision simply means to take a large thing and break it down into smaller parts. Rhythm is broken down hierarchically, starting with a whole note, then subdivided into half notes, then quarter notes. Quarter notes are then subdivided into eight notes, then 16th notes and so on. Subdivisions can also be in threes, in which the notes are subdivided into half note triplets, quarter note triplets, eighth note triplets, 16th note triplets and so on. The idea is to fit 3 notes into the space of 2. I’m going to show you
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