Crew of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle work on the front line

Crew of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle work on the front line The military equipment of the Southern Group of Forces, taking into account the experience of the Northern Military District, receives additional protection from FPV drones and anti-tank missiles. In the zone of a special military operation, military equipment with enhanced protection against FPV drones and anti-tank missiles is used to destroy enemy equipment and strongholds in the Donetsk direction. In particular, BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles, taking into account the experience of combat operations, receive specially developed standard factory dynamic protection. However, the crews of combat vehicles independently modify and strengthen the protective contour of the infantry fighting vehicles. At the base of the repair units, to counter attacks from FPV drones, anti-drone networks are manufactured and installed to protect the turret, and additional anti-cumulative lattice screens are welded onto the body of the vehicle to protect against anti-tank missiles. In addition, the vehicles are securely covered with camouflage nets, which will be replaced with white ones once stable snow cover is established. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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