Watt The Fox - Sun Dance - O’Tawa ✺ Records

The new fire ceremony was, in central Mexico, in pre-Hispanic times, a set of religious rituals that took place every 52 years during the last hours of the calendar cycle called “xiuhmolpilli (ligature of years) to ensure that a new cycle of 52 years begins again, that the stars do not stop their course and that the world does not sink into darkness. The preparations for the ceremony began in the last five days of the final year of the cycle. These preparations included respect for silence, abstinence from work and purification rituals such as fasting, self-sacrifices. It was believed that during those days the world was in grave danger due to the instability inherent in moving from one cycle to another. On the last day of the year, at sunset, a procession of priests of the worship of the god of fire Huehueteotl started from the Templo Mayor, the ceremonial center of Mexico-Tenochtitlan, and took the causeway of Tlacopan towards a mountain called Huixachtlan. Artist: @wattthefox Beatport: Instagram: FB: Mastering : Robert Visual: Insomptiaé
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