Fermenting your own sweet rice wine (甜酒酿) is super easy; only 4 ingredients are involved. At the end of this post, I will share a few ways to enjoy sweet rice wine.
How to Make Chinese Sweet Rice Wine (甜酒酿)
- 100 grams 1/2 cup of glutinous rice (Amazon Link - )
- 180 grams 3/4 cup of water
- 1/4 tsp of angle rice wine yeast (Amazon Link - )
- 3 tbsp of distilled water
Add the glutinous rice and water into a mason jar or any other heat-proof and leakproof containers. Stir and pour out the water. Repeat a few times, then drain thoroughly.
Add 3/4 cups of water and soak the glutinous rice for 1 hour, so the grains have enough time to absorb the moisture. You should leave at least 1/2 of the jar empty after filling the water because the rice will grow in volume once cooked.
Steam the rice with the jar without the lid for 40 minutes. However, put the lid, a small bowl, and a spoon in the steamer so you can sanitize them as you are steaming. If you don’t sanitize the lid, your glutinous rice wine will grow a layer of uneditable black mycelium.
Once done, do not open the lid. Let the whole pot cool completely, which will take a few hours.
Use the sanitized bowl to dissolve the distiller’s yeast with distilled water (3 tbsp). If you don’t have distilled water, boil some tap water and cool it down completely. Do not use hot water, or else you will kill the yeast.
Pour the yeast water into the rice. Put on the lid and twist it all the way, then untwist just a tiny bit to allow micro air to go in and out.
Let it ferment for 2-3 days, depending on your room temperature, and you will get a jar of sweet rice wine.
Make the Rice Wine Poached Eggs
- 4 cups of water
- 3 eggs
- 1.5 cups of sweet rice wine
- Goji berry (Amazon Link - )
- Sugar to taste
Bring 4 cups of water to a simmer. Turn off the heat. Crack in however many eggs you like. Cook them to your desired doneness. I pouched them for 2 minutes, which is a perfect soft yolk. Fish the eggs out so I don’t overcook them.
Open a jar of the sweet rice wine that you made. Lossen up the grains before you pour it in. Bring it back to a simmer.
Add some cornstarch water to thicken the soup. Give it a taste and adjust the sweetness to your taste by adding some sugar. I am using brown sugar but any sugar will work. Last, throw in some goji berries (枸杞).
Pour it over with the pouched eggs. I used to wake with this on my birthday instead of getting a cake. so I am attached to the flavor. It is sweet but with a hint of fermented taste. The rice fragrance makes it super comfortable and homy. Usually my mom will throw in a handful of pop rice to elevate the texture. Pop rice is similar to pop corns but made with rice. I don’t have it today so I’m not gonna add it but it is still very tasty. Western people usually put pouched eggs on toast, you have to try it in the sweet rice wine, it sounds new but so delicious.
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