Д.Медведев.Выступление на церемонии вручения. 2

Speech at Ceremony Conferring the Honorary Title City of Military Glory on Dmitrov, Veliky Novgorod and Velikie 2 December 8, 2008 The Kremlin, Moscow Выступление на церемонии вручения грамот о присвоении почётного звания «Город воинской славы» Дмитрову, Великому Новгороду, Великим Лукам. 8 декабря 2008 года Москва, Кремль Dear friends, This ceremony is perhaps not very long, but it reminds us all and proves once again that these great pages in our countrys history will never lose their lustre. We honour and remember them, and this is the symbolic meaning behind the act of presenting the documents conferring the title of City of Military Glory that has just taken place. I think that for every resident of Veliky Novgorod, Velikie Luki and Dmitrov, this is not just an act of recognition on the part of the countrys leadership, not just a ceremony here in the Kremlin, but also an affirmation of the spirit and pride that each of us feels for their nativ
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