Claudio Monteverdi: Complete Madrigals Book VII

Claudio Monteverdi: Complete Madrigals Book VII Miriam Allan, soprano Hannah Morrison, soprano Lucile Richardot, contralto Paul Agnew, tenor Zachary Wilder, tenor Lisandro Abadie, bass Les Arts Florissants Paul Agnew, conductor Monteverdi published Book VII in 1619. Everything in this vast collection breathes opera. It is an assortment of duets, trios, accompanied recitatives and... a ballet. The work is imbued with sensuality. “Kisses, mouths and songs” are repeated almost obsessively. The instrumentation is rich and involves violins and flutes, above the continuo which appeared at the end of Book V. Book VII seems to be an introduction to the splendor of Book VIII which will appear in 1638. Book VII is called “Uno Concerto” by Monteverdi. It is made up of multiple musical forms and combinations of pieces that you can use as you wish, changing the order. It is thus similar to the Coronation of Poppea, which has evolved a lot according to the troops and the perfor
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