Brave Boy Rewarded Aka Carnegie Award To Brian Gibbons (1959)

Title reads: “Brave boy rewarded“. Dunfermline, Scotland. Carnegie award to Brian Gibbons. G/V gates of Pittencrief Park. M/S woman coming through the gates. C/U sign at the side of the gates: “The Carnegie Dunfermline and Hero Fund Trustees“. M/S statue of Andrew Carnegie. Panning shot teenager Brian Gibbons and his older brother walking up to the headquarters of the Carnegie Trust where they are met by Mr. Ormiston, the secretary. They walk into the building. Interior: Mr. A. Buchanan presents an award (bronze medallion) and they stand in front of a bust of Carnegie. Various library shots of Southall air crash. Rescue workers at work in rubble of wrecked house. Brian rescued his small nephew from his blazing house at scene of disaster and was badly burnt. Various shots Brian and Mr. Buchanan standing by the bust of Carnegie with the medal on a table. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIE
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