A Thirst for Word of Mouth - The Talk Triggers Show: Episode 1

For more information head to The Talk Triggers show explores the true power of word of mouth marketing, which influences up to 90% of ALL purchases. You can build an empire without lifting a finger. The trick is to come up with a unique selling point, a talk trigger that gets people talking about you and your business. A huge mistake that a lot of businesses make is trying too hard to fit in. The truth is that the more you try to fit in, the more your customers tune out. On the first episode of The Talk Triggers Show, I share a thought-provoking story about a family business that completely upended the theme park business model using one very simple, but extraordinary talk trigger. Mentioned in this episode • Holiday World & Splashin’ SAFARI I hope you enjoyed this first episode of The Talk Triggers Show. To never miss an episode, subscribe to my channel right here on YouTube and don’t forget to check
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