Pink Floyd Echoes & 2001 A Space Odyssey HD

Pink Floyd Echoes synchronized with 2001 A Space Odyssey - Jupiter and Beyond The Infinite. Similar to the Dark Side of the Rainbow effect, at-large rumors suggested that “Echoes“ coincidentally synchronizes with Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey, when played concurrently with the final segment (titled “Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite“). “Echoes“ was released three years after the film’s production and is 23 minutes and 31 seconds in length, quite similar to the “Infinite“ segment. Sound effects in the middle section of the song convey the feeling of travelling through, or flying over, an alien world. The drone vocalizations heard in the final scenes of 2001 seem to match with the discordant bass vibrations in the middle of “Echoes“ as well as the choral glissandos of its finale. Another notable link occurs during a change in scene at precisely the moment when guitar and keyboards crescendo as the lyrics re-enter for the
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