There are over 15 lgbt champs on the game right now...
Since it’s pride moth, I will tell you who they are...
I promise, that you didnt know like 5 of them...
The obvious couples are Vi and Caitlyn, Graves and Twisted Fate, Leona and Diana, Varus is like 2 gay ppl in 1
Neeko is lesbian, Nami is bisexual, K’sante is Lil nas x, I mean gay... Rell is bisexual, her voicelines hint that she is in love
with Sett and Leona, Lee Sin and Udyr were probably a
couple but that’s not confirmed. Taliayh is
ultra hinted to be trans. Fiora is hinted by some voicelines that she doesn’t fall for males, she might be gay or asexual or
smt like that. Irelia probably in a relationship
with a female named Lyanna who is a legends of runeterra card. But remember, the lore in legends of runeterra is cannon.
Evelynn just does whatever she wants...
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