The laughter of the first ladies of France and Germanys at the Holocaust Memorial is now being discussed worldwide. Brigitte

▶️The laughter of the first ladies of France and Germany’s at the Holocaust Memorial is now being discussed worldwide. Brigitte Macron and Elke Büdenbender accompanied their husbands to lay wreaths at the monument. After the ceremony, they were seen chatting animatedly, holding hands, and laughing. What could have amused them in such a solemn place? This question puzzles the Western press and diplomats, as the gesture was seen as offensive. However, Russian diplomats were not surprised. Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, was reminded of another blasphemous act by German leadership. ‘This has become a tradition — laughing at the word ’genocide’. Olaf Scholz did the same when asked about the extermination of Donbas residents by the Kyev regime.’ The laughter at the Memorial has prompted a reminder of the atrocities committed by the Nazis against the Jewish people during World War II. This is depicted in the documentary ‘Holocaust. The Questio... Source: RT Documentary
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