Tutorial - 10. Waterfront Site - Introduction to Cityscape Pro
Cityscape Pro is a game-changing parametric site modeling plugin for 3ds Max® -
Cityscape Pro provides a complete solution for modeling complex sites, parametric roads, curbs, curbcuts, sidewalks, grass, urban areas, lakes, terrain, snow and more. Cityscape Pro The non-destructive workflow uses splines as input objects, geometry is generated automatically with a single click of a button! The plugin has the ability to handle massive city-scale models, it has the potential to save up to 40% of production time on complex architectural visualization projects.
Introduction to Cityscape Pro playlist:
1. Course Overview -
2. Getting Started -
3. Curbed Areas -
4. Modify Surface -
5. Supergrass -
6. Road Texture -
7. Snow -
8. Building a Comple
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