Kim Jong-un urges constitutional change to define S. Korea as ’No. 1 hostile country’

김정은 “남한은 제1의 적대국“ 정전 이후 70년의 남북관계 막 내리나 Aggressive remarks and continuing provocations. Tensions on the Peninsula are escalating more than ever before. Kim Jong-un has urged the regime to revise its constitution to define South Korea as an “invariable“ and a “hostile enemy“ and as if to show its determination, decided to abolish agencies that promote inter-Korean dialogue. This comes after North Korea fired a solid-fuel IRBM carrying a hypersonic warhead. Meanwhile, the regime’s foreign minister is currently in Russia, having a rare meeting with President Vladimir Putin. Why is the regime b...eefing up the hostile rhetoric and what could have been discussed during the foreign minister’s Moscow visit? For more on the reclusive regime, we welcome Doctor Go Myong-hyun, Senior Fellow at Asan Institute for Policy Studies. Doctor Go, welcome. We also have Professor Ramon Pacheco Pardo from King’s College London. Good to see you, Professor. (GO) Q1. During the Supreme People’s Assembly, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un urged constitutional change to define South Korea as the number 1 hostile country and unchanging principal enemy. How did you see such remarks? (PACHECO PARDO) Q2. Kim also ordered the abolishment of agencies that are in charge of inter-Korean dialogue and cooperation. Could you give us some details of what these agencies were responsible for? (GO) Q3. With all agencies related to inter-Korean issues to be disbanded many say the move would signal the end of 70 years of inter-Korean relations since the armistice in 1953. Do you agree? (PACHECO PARDO) Q4. Kim also noted that Pyongyang would not recognize the Northern Limit Line, the de facto inter-Korean maritime border. What does this mean? (GO) Q5. Earlier this week, North Korea successfully tested a solid-fuel IRBM bearing a hypersonic warhead. This is not the first time we have seen an IRBM with hypersonic missiles right? What is special about it? (PACHECO PARDO) Q6. It seems the regime is diversifying weapons with multi-stage high-thrust solid-fuel engines. To what level have they completed the development and how concerning is this? (GO) Q7. Could we say such aggressive remarks, and provocations are part of efforts to boost the regime’s leverage against both South Korea and the U.S.? And will this continue? (PACHECO PARDO) Q8. According to some experts the situation on the Korean Peninsula is more dangerous than it has been at any time since early June 1950. and Kim Jong Un has made a strategic decision to go to war. What’s your view on such remarks? (GO) Q9. Moving on to Russia-North Korea ties North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui visited Russia at the invitation of her Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. And the Kremlin said it intends to develop its partnership with North Korea in all areas. Based on such remarks, how do you see the chances of two rogue states discussing more arms deals? (PACHECO PARDO) Q10. A Kremlin spokesperson said a visit by Putin to North Korea could take place in the “foreseeable future.“ When do you expect this to happen, and if it does what agenda items might be addressed? Unfortunately, that’s all the time we have for today’s edition. Thank you Doctor Go and Professor Pacheco Pardo for your time and insights. We appreciate it. #SouthKorea #NorthKorea #KimJongun #Hostile_country #대한민국 #북한 #김정은 #적대국 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2024-01-17, 18:30 (KST)
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