Don’t fry the tofu directly, try this traditional way and the result will surprise you!~Vegan~

@HomemadeVeganIreneYong 《素琵琶豆腐|Vegan Biwa Tofu》 豆腐别直接炒着吃,试试这传统吃法,入口外脆中间还保留豆腐软嫩的口感,保证吃一次忘不了,家常宴客两相宜!Don’t fry the tofu directly, try this traditional way and the result will surprise you! The tofu is crispy on the outside and soft and tender in the middle. It is guaranteed to be unforgettable after eating once. It is suitable for home-cooked banquets and guests! 食材: 板豆腐 400克、鲜香菇 80克、胡萝卜 30克、 芹菜 30克、食油 ½ĕ
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