The Elevation Of Labour Reel 4 (1930)

Continued - Reel 4. Several shots of display of tweed clothes - suits and coats - in a store or showroom. General view of display of men’s hats. Fade to black. Fade in to shot panning across factory where women are sitting at tables making garments. A few women’s dresses are on dummies between the rows. Closer shots of the women sewing by hand and on machines. C/U of woman sewing and cutting a seam or hem. Decorative machine stitching (chevrons?) on a garment piece. Machine embroidery - ’BB’ on a shield (for school uniform?) Fade to black. Fade in to shot of women in a sitting room, wearing the latest dress fashions. One, wearing a day dress with tiered ruffles around the neckline, sits in a chair, flicking through a magazine. Another woman walks into the room wearing a long black and white satin dress - very glam. She sits down and looks at a magazine. Another woman sits at a desk, writing. She gets up to show off her two-tone day dress. Two more models enter, both in day dresses. Sever
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