Bank for International Settlements ¦ Central Bank of The World ¦ Hitlers Nazi Bankers Switzerland

WALL STREET AND THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION pdf WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER pdf TRADING WITH THE ENEMY pdf An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 Charles Higham ? This is an excert of Research done on behalf of the UK Green Party’s economics group for their mini-conference in At the Nuremberg Trials in May 1946, Walther Funk, still listed as a BIS director, testified that Puhl had American connections and had been offered a major post at Chase in New York shortly before Pearl Harbor. Funk admitted that Puhl was in charge of gold shipments. He admitted receiving the gold reserve of the Czech National Bank and the Belgian gold, and he added, “It was very difficult to pay [in foreign exchange] in gold .... Despite the fact that the evidence of the Puhl-McKittrick conspiracy was overwhelming, McKittrick
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