Designing a 7-segment hex decoder

Building a combinational logic circuit to decode 8 bits and display a 3-digit decimal number on 7-segment displays is complex. In this video, I build something much simpler—a circuit that decodes 4 bits to a one-digit hexadecimal display—and even that’s pretty complicated. In future videos, we’ll look at much easier ways of doing this, which we’ll use for our computer’s output register and then as a key element of the control logic. Support me on Patreon: You don’t really want to build this do you? If you do, you’ll need some breadboards, 5x 74LS32s, 9x 74LS08s, 1x 74LS04, 1x common anode 7-segment display, 1x 100Ω resistor for the display, some DIP switches, LEDs, and 1k pullup resistors for the input, and hours of podcasts or something to keep you from losing your mind. :) If you do build this, you’ll _really_ appreciate the elegance of the next few videos.
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