Combat work of airborne artillery with objective control of hitting targets

Combat work of airborne artillery with objective control of hitting targets During the counter-battery fight in the Orekhovsky direction in the Zaporozhye region, UAV crews of the Guards Airborne Assault Don Cossack Regiment of the Novorossiysk Guards Mountain Airborne Forces, together with artillery crews of 122-mm towed howitzers D-30 of the Crimean paratroopers from the Dnepr group of troops, destroyed a self-propelled artillery installation of the Ukrainian Forces to the north-west of the village Verbovoe in Zaporozhye region. Russian artillery paratroopers fired from closed firing positions at a range of up to 8 kilometers. Detection of the enemy, as well as further adjustment of howitzer fire, was carried out using aerial reconnaissance equipment (quadcopters) of the regiment’s UAV units. As a result of the joint combat work of UAV crews and airborne artillerymen, an AFU self-propelled gun along with its crew was discovered and destroyed. After the defeat of the enemy installa... Source: Military Wave
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