Medieval Legends Series:1 oz Silver William Tell Round

The Medieval Legends Series Continues! The fourth release in the series features medieval Switzerland’s hero of individual freedom: William Tell. William Tell was arrested for refusing to conform to the rule of Albrecht Gessler, an Austrian overlord who arrived to conquer a Swiss town. Gessler ordered the execution of Tell and his son as punishment. But, intrigued by Tell’s famed marksmanship, he gave Tell the chance to live if he could shoot an apple off his son’s head in one attempt. Tell accepted the challenge and split the apple on his son’s head with a single shot. However, Gessler noticed that Tell drew two arrows, and when he asked why, Tell replied that had he killed his son, he would have killed Gessler with the second arrow. Gessler, furious, vowed to imprison Tell in his personal dungeon for the rest of his life. He ordered his guards to shackle Tell and sail him to his castle across the lake. But a storm broke out on the water, and Gessler’s guards removed Tell
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