“dead baby scam“ Truth about the Birth Certificate - a bond/death certificate

hey yall, in this video we talk about how the birth certificate is really a bond / death certificate. “the dead baby scam“ - the unlawful conversion that takes place through breach of trust, semantic deceit, breach of contract, non-disclosure, coercion, press-ganging, etc which amounts to a double impersonation scheme where babies become registered as “chattel“ property renamed as “US CITIZENS“ aka Legal PERSONS/Persons (corporate goods belonging to a corporation in the business of providing governmental services) backing the debts owed to us as their Priority Creditors John Joseph Doe gets press-ganged out of the actual, factual, lawful, living jurisdiction of the Land and Soil into a foreign jurisdiction for Legal Persons/PERSONS “JOHN JOSEPH DOE - Foreign Situs Trust (Cestui Que Vie Trust)“ “JOHN J. DOE - Public Transmitting Utility“ “JOHN DOE - Ward of the State“ - use this website like Duck Duc
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