Вольные упражнения. Юноши.V летняя Спартакиада молодёжи России по спортивной гимнастике 2021.Финал.
8 лучших гимнастов в Вольных упражнениях - Финалы в отдельных видах гимнастического многоборья - #Спартакиада молодёжи России 2021
0:07 Авласович Артём - #Московскаяобласть
1:26 Съедин Савелий - #Белгород
2:50 Самков Сергей - #Екатеринбург
4:30 Салимов Семён - #Екатеринбург
5:40 Дмитриев Андрей - #Кемеровскаяобласть
7:00 Михно Сергей - #Красноярскийкрай
8:26 Кортнев Виктор - #Московскаяобласть
10:00 Новиков Даниил - #Татарстан
Top 8 Gymnasts in Floor Exercise - Finals in selected types of gymnastic all-around - # Russian Youth Spartakiad 2021
0:07 | Avlasovich Artyom - #Moscow region
1:26 | Saveliy Syedin - # Belgorod
2:50 | Samkov Sergey - # Yekaterinburg
4:30 | Salimov Semyon - #Yekaterinburg
5:40 | Dmitriev Andrey - #Kemerovo region
7:00 | Mikhno Sergei - # Krasnoyarsk Territory
8:26 | Kortnev Victor - #Moscow region
10:00 | Daniil Novikov - #Tatarstan
The #Krasnodar Basket-Hall continues artistic gymnastics competitions as part of the final stage of the 5th Russian Youth Spartakiad in 2021. On the eve, the juniors determined the best in the FINAL CONPETITIONS.
A bit of history. Now Artur Dalaloyan, Nikita Nagorny and Victoria Listunova are the leaders of the adult Russian national team and are preparing for the Tokyo #Olympics. But not so long ago they shone at the Games. At the 2013 Spartakiad of Russian Students as part of the Moscow national team, Dalaloyan took second place in the team competition. In the individual #allaround, Arthur won silver, losing to Ilya Kybartas, and also won two bronze medals on the rings and the crossbar. Nikita defended the colors of the Rostov region and took the sixth place in the all-around and vault, but performed the floor exercises best of all. A year later, at the 2014 Youth Spartakiad, Dalaloyan and Nagorny, who moved to Moscow, won gold in the team competition as part of the Moscow national team. After that Nikita won both the individual all-around and the vault. Dalaloyan did not make it to the top six in the individual all-around and can only boast of bronze in the exercise on the rings.
By the way, Nikita is already the vice-champion of the 2016 Olympics in team competitions.
Victoria Listunova is only 16 years old. At the VIII Summer Spartakiad of Students of Russia-2017, Victoria won the all-around competition for girls of the first category, and also won gold medals in exercises on the balance beam, uneven bars and floor exercises, and took second place in the vault. Listunova is a five-time champion of the 15th Summer European #YouthOlympicFestival 2019 in Baku. She has won gold medals in all disciplines of artistic gymnastics except the beam. In addition, Listunova is a three-time winner of the junior #worldchampionship.
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