That Restless Spirit! (1926)

Introductory intertitle reads: “Way back in the days of dreams and roses, Eve’s athletic prowess was limited to a fierce walk down the garden“. We see a woman dressed in style of times gone by with parasol and basket of flowers walking through a garden. Intertitle follows: “Eve never dreamed of a day when girls would play, say, Badminton underneath Liverpool Street Station - !“. Top shot of women playing Badminton. We see them play in slow motion. “In those good old days all Eve flung was a “wicked pair of shears-“. Woman in frilly dress and bonnet seen before cuts some roses. “She never dreamed of meeting, say, this merry “Cochran Revue“ party flinging a “wicked pair of shoes“. Some mad dancing by a couple who do high kicks while the “Monte Carlo Bandits“ play and chorus girls dance in the background. “Feet were never made to twinkle then like they do in these restless athletic days -“. A row of girls, and a man do high kicks in swimsuits while a girl walks on her hands kicking her legs up and
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