OSINT At Home #10 How to map anything with freely available location data

This tutorial is part 10 of the OSINT At Home series. It covers how to make custom maps with publicly available data on anything. For example, you can create a map like this one I have created on public water fountains and public toilets in London, which I use to plan my runs: I have also included a few examples in the video, such as mapping CCTV cameras in Munich, or gas well sites in Australia. Please do look around the wiki that I have linked to, as there are lots of opportunities to collect and map data based on what you are investigating, researching, or interested in. The tutorial specifically covers the use of Overpass Turbo, which allows you to query the Open Street Map (OSM) database and export those points as a KML, GPX, GeoJSON or other file types so that you can load it into Google Earth or any other map platform you use. I have also covered some frequently asked questions in this tutorial, such as how to put a kml or kmz file in G
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