Why Luke and Anakin’s Lightsabers are DIFFERENT after Revenge of the Sith - Star Wars Explained (Th)

In Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker builds his final lightsaber as he nears immense power before turning to the dark side at Palpatine’s Anakin fights Obi-Wan Kenobi and loses, Obi-Wan picks up Anakin’s lightsaber and keeps with his person until giving it to Luke Skywalker almost 20 years later. If it’s the same lightsaber, then why do they look different? Taking production and filming reasons out of it, I think my theory is just hope we get a CANON answer sooner than later! Thanks for watching and may the force be with !!! SHOP - (Various colours and styles available) THIS PARTY’S OVER shirt - Dew It Shirt - HIGH GROUND T-SHIRT - OFFICIAL WEBSITE - (Live chat/forums/games/puzzles/quizzes) Patreon Donations (thanks everyone) -
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