tell face book to go away call them 16505434800 or 14159523428

my name is little bear from interlachen florida this is the things i like wwe world wrestling federation and luch underground wrestling show to me it is the best one on tv today and ufc martial arts show ok i have two brothers and a mom and neece yes they live with me when i was a little boy we live on the black crow indian nation and then my dad died my mom being white did not want to stay on the reservation no more so she took us back to interlachen my job is at cox judo academy i just make a enough to help my family out to me they come first ok im looking for my real love and a wife no i do not have no kids at all ok my attitude is like wwe randy orton ok i beleive being straight up with people i was taught to tell the truth to all people ok if they do not like it to bad i will not tell no lied to no one and im not looking for no gold diggers or someone to ask me for money all the time or pay bill for them if i can work for everything in my life so can you this is all about me so people on this sites acce
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