István Sky - Didgeridoo Overtone Chanting #istvansky
Please you like this song i sending you love istvan
kapcsolat / contact me: napfenyszentely@
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The Didgeridoo Story
Didgeridoo, Didjeridu, YidakiThe Story - The didgeridoo is an ancient musical instrument played by the Australian Aborigines who consider it to be quite important in their tribal ceremonies. The didgeridoos are made from trunks or limbs of eucalypt trees such as the Bloodwood, Stringybark, Woolybutt, Scarlet Gum, Yellow Box, Mallee and others. The raw timber is felled by contracted aboriginal tribes and only the naturally termite eaten logs are accepted and then treated, ready for the artist to paint.
4 months ago 00:17:10 1
The Song of the Butterfly - Channeling medicine music #ambient #healing #spirituality #relax #buddha