Japan by Bike - Riding to Kyoto & Caught Stealth Camping | Cycling the World 47

Japan by Bike - Riding to Kyoto & Caught Stealth Camping | Cycling the World We ride the last miles along Lake Biwa and plan to meet up with Yuki, our first Warmshowers host, on the outskirts of Kyoto. A very unexpected surprise awaits us at his doorstep! Booking our plane flight to South East Asia is everything but easy. Again and again we walk against closed doors and even when visiting the airport our mission seems bound to fail. Shikoku Island is only a strait away and we find ourselves, with rain in the forecast, scratching our heads to find a place to sleep in the middle of the city of Wakayama. We wake up to a hectic morning with people all over the place! The Sunday ferry we luckily catch at the last minute and enjoy the crossing to a different Japan... BICYCLE GEAR - Smooth the Ride : - The Saddle : - Ergonomic Handlebar Grips : - Ideal Water Bottle :
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