Psinergy Must Watch - Electronic Warfare - Our Bodies are Biohacked - Sabrina Wallace

email info@ My goal is folks comprehending at the level of their heart … the tech feels like an avalanche but the reason I put it here is to embolden those who believe in God and their own common sense .. it’s a body part, not a new technology and if people knew that and understood it was a body part stolen 150 years ago for the purpose of harnessing all human brains to a hive mind - ppl would be pissed off that nobody told them wtf was going on at their jobs .. They are sending electrical signals through our bodies at a high and rapid rate that is severely disruptive to our immune system because our bodies are electrical, bio chemical and cells require a certain voltage to properly divide, replenish and exchange electrical blueprints and cellular instructions. The human biofield is a body part that was removed from common human knowledge about 150 years ago and formerly spoken of as the aura. Since I was born in 1979 people speak of the aura as if it’s foo foo and worthless when in real
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