Indominus Rex animation

To see more about my work please check also my Instagram: Hello everyone, I’m proud to be part of this collab; Wesley Shneider, Rodrigo Souza, Luan Santiago, and I decided to create this animation. I was responsible for building the environment, lookdev, lighting and comp. To do that, I used HoudiniFX to create the Cliff, hills, ground, foreground hill. I used the megascans library to create the textures, dry trees, pebbles and rocks, Mari to correct some textures, substance painter for skulls, Zbrush for specific details I wanted, and for the render almost 1 billion poly the software was Isotropix Clarisse. #HoudiniFx #Clarisse #maya #environment #vfx #substancepainter #mari #zbrush #pixologic #animation #3d #dinossaur #rex #composition #compositing #ziva #sounddesign
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