Earthing ( or grounding ) is a timeless and modern discovery! Living in contact with the Earth’s natural surface charge- being grounded- naturally discharges and prevents chronic inflammation in the body. The Earth has a natural negative charge and maintaining contact with the ground allows your body to naturally receive and become charged with these electrons. When we are grounded, we absorb them which reduces electrical imbalances in the body and oxidative stress / inflammation.
👉Rapid reduction of inflammation
👉Rapid reduction of chronic pain
👉Dynamic blood flow improvement to supply cells and tissues
👉Reduced stress
👉Improved sleep
👉Accelerated healing
Try for 15 minutes a day - benefits can be found almost immediately up to 40 min sessions. You can sit, too !
#grounding #earthing #benefitsofgrounding
Are you ready to reclaim your health? Reach out for a free 15-minute virtual discovery session! Text 302-373-2394 to schedule!
Make sure to grab a copy of Rise Up!!
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