James & Mary/Maria | You are the only one [Silent hill 2]

HD please small screen! sorry for the low quality :’( OH MY GOD i know that silent hill games are very old but i’ve recently started playing them with the second one and GOSHHH what a masterpiece it is. I LOVED everything about it the whole complexity the psychology the angst the meanings the story just EVERYTHING!!! But i’m not here to say what silent hill is and especially SH2 most of you might know more than me but i’m so excited to continue with the series now i’m in the third one and it’s soooo gooooood. Anyway when i first started the game i was sure that i have to use this song it fits PERFECTLY for James and Mary/Maria it discribes their whole reletionship how they love but also how a part of them hates each other!PERFECT haha i’m not so satisfied with the result but in general i’m happy with WE NEED MORE SH VIDS OK!?XD Also i have to say that i was inspired by this amazing edit!;
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