Japan Trip 2019 / Shinkansen passing at various speeds (125-320 Km/h) 4K

At Oyama and Nasushiobara Stations, we saw various shinkansen passing at high speed. We calculated the speed using the length of the skinkansen and the passing time. This might be a bit of an approximation due to the lens view. 小山駅、那須塩原駅でのハイスピード新幹線通過体験。速度は新幹線の長さ、通過時間でおよその計算。レンズの歪み等で多少の誤差あり。 #shinkansen#passing#新幹線#Japan 今回の他の動画 / Other videos :新幹線で巡る満開の桜名所 (4K) / Popular cherry blossom spots at full bloom via the shinkansen :Local train ride to an amazing kids’ park (4K) https
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