Scuba girl painting underwater. International art. Scuba news.

More of my paintings The painting BE STRIPY IG Contemporary art is a unique painting at the bottom of the sea. ______________ Subscribe to the channel to watch new videos of underwater painting! The painting “Be stripy” was created in five dives on one of the favorite parts of the home reef. A small tunnel under the coral created the dynamics of a constant dance of snappers scurrying through it. The stripes on the backs of the fish could “overlap” with the coral branches in the background. Altogether they created a rhythmic harmony. The feeling of streakiness was enhanced by the butterflyfish that has been posing responsibly for me throughout the third dive. For me, this painting is about the universal harmony in nature and search of the person’s place in it. ____ Olga Belka is a Russian artist who became a unique underwater artist, the only underwater portraitist in the world. She developed a unique technology of painting in salt water, allowing her to paint from nature, detailing the smallest details of the underwater world. Olga Belka had personal exhibitions in Moscow, Thailand, Taiwan, and the Maldives, Exhibited her art at many International events. _______________________ underwater painting, olga belka, современное искусство, contemporary art, saatchi art, artfinder, scuba girl, scuba woman, ольга белкина, conceptual art, современный художник, современная живопись, art news, импрессионизм, simply scuba, daily scuba news, подводный художник, живопись, fine art, underwater painting with fishes, underwater corals painting, scuba news, подводная живопись, ольга Белкина, international art, painting underwater, seascape, underwater painter
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